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It’s Coming! Give to the Max Day 2023. 

Please consider your annual opportunity to be generous on-line and help families in grief by supporting the unique and vital mission of the Jon Francis Foundation.


Because of you, The Jon Francis Foundation (JFF) has achieved significant mission accomplishment, national recognition and financial sustainability. We are making a positive difference in people’s lives.

We are deeply grateful for your support. Your generosity helps the Jon Francis Foundation (JFF) maintain financial stability, significant mission accomplishment, and national recognition.


Our experience and strengths resulted in a consulting request from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. JFF is working with the new Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR) Office to create MMIR processes and procedures for missing person searches.


From a 2020 report to the Minnesota State Legislature: “Although American Indian women and girls make up just 1% of the state’s population … 8% of all murdered women and girls in Minnesota were American Indian… And in any given month, from 2012 to 2020, 27 to 54 American Indian women and girls in Minnesota were missing.” It’s a state of Minnesota and also a United States Native American national crisis.


We completed “The Missing Person Manual” and in September conducted a large and complex search in Northern Minnesota. JFF organized, trained, and led 170 community volunteers and tribal members in a missing person search for Navaeh Kingbird. a 15 year old native American girl.  Sadly, we did not bring her home.


Please know that your support made this mission possible. Thank you.

Best Regards,


David Francis

Executive Director


Help us continue in our mission.  

Please donate online at

Thank you!

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